The Internet Awards Ceremony 2015 Internet will be held at 12:3 at the Fundación Telefónica Space on 13th mai Will this be one of the main events of #diadeinternet which bring together the best of the best on Internet World and will feature these elements: The Gala: will be conducted by Macarena Berlin director and presenter of the program “Hablar por hablar” Cadena Ser, it will be announced the winners of each category of this year. The “tweet-speeches”. And this year there are many categories speeches of thanks should be limited and extension to a tweet Everything what you mean when you pick up your prize should fit in a speech of at most 140 characters or 15 words. The best tweet speech, the most “retweeted” will have a special prize. – Impromadrid Theatre liven up and drive participation in the Gala with sketches of Theatrical Improvisation. – Cocktail: all attendees will enjoy at the end of the ceremony, a magnificent cocktail with better music. A unique opportunity to celebrate and share the best with the best of the Internet and you can not miss us.