ITU150 Golden Book

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31 entries.
CONGRATULATIONS!...on your Anniversary. Your organization is a noble and of great service to the industry. The history is remarkable and heartfelt, acknowledged by the world who knows who, what you are! Mina Leonora V. Lee Chairman One Media Group PJ Investments Asia LLC Delaware USA
Haddou Abdelkader, Directeur Centre de Production Télécommunication, Algeria Haddou Abdelkader, Directeur Centre de Production Télécommunication, Algeria wrote on May 20, 2015
Bonne anniversarie! à l'occasion du 150ème anniversaire de l'UIT.
Amateur Radio Society of India Amateur Radio Society of India wrote on May 18, 2015
On behalf of all the radio amateurs of India, we wish ITU on the successful celebration of their 150th anniversary. It was a pleasure contacting your HQ amateur radio station 4U150ITU with one of ours commemorating the anniversary as AT150ITU. Thank you for all you have done to shape telecommunications world-wide.
Ricardo Sánchez Torres Ricardo Sánchez Torres wrote on May 17, 2015
Muchas felicidades a la UIT por estos 150 años de contribuir en las comunicaciones globales.
habtie habtie wrote on May 17, 2015
have a nice anniversarry day its the birth of connecting z world
Rahul Jha Rahul Jha wrote on May 17, 2015
With Disruptions becoming the new norm of the ICT / Technology industry, there is an all the more need of a member state stakeholder mechanism to bring everything under its purview, not necessarily to regulate, but to have the provision to do so if the need arises. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITU !!!!
BT Archives (British Telecommunications plc) BT Archives (British Telecommunications plc) wrote on May 17, 2015
Congratulations to the ITU on this significant anniversary. Having been involved officially since 1871, initially through our predecessor the British Post Office, BT is proud to have contributed and been involved with ITU over our long joint history.
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka wrote on May 15, 2015
Having joined ITU in 1897 as a member state, it is indeed a great pleasure for us in Sri Lanka to wish ITU a " Happy Birthday" on the occasion of the 150th year anniversary of its founding.
pusat internet 1 malaysia pengkalan hulu pusat internet 1 malaysia pengkalan hulu wrote on April 30, 2015
congratulation for the 150 Th anniversary ,may our communication never dies
Nigerian Communications Commission Nigerian Communications Commission wrote on April 30, 2015
GOODWILL MESSAGE FROM NIGERIA ON THE OCCASION OF ITU 150TH ANNIVERSARY On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the Federal Republic of Nigeria congratulates the ITU for its continued exemplary leadership and its role in the development of global telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies aimed at connecting the world. Nigeria became a member of the ITU in in 1961, and has been participating actively in all the works of the ITU. Nigeria has leveraged on various ITU initiatives to develop its ICT sector which currently contributes over 8% to the Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and is vigorously implementing its National Broadband Plan which will further boost development in all areas of the Nigerian economy and fully integrate us into the connected world. Nigeria has been recognized as the fastest growing telecommunications market in Africa as a result of its highly competitive ICT market regulated by a responsive world class organization, the Nigerian Communications Commission. In January 2015, with a subscriber base of over One Hundred and Forty Million (140, 000, 000) Nigeria achieved a 100% teledensity, compared to 0.4% teledensity in 1999. As Nigeria joins ITU to celebrate its 150th anniversary, we pledge our unwavering commitment to achieving the goals of sustainable development through ICTs and continued support of ITU work. We look forward to being part of a greater and innovative ITU. HAPPY 150th ANNIVERSARY!
nur syifa nur syifa wrote on April 30, 2015
Hi..we are from Pusat Internet 1 Malaysia Kg Kemasin, Kelantan Malaysia wishing u Happy Birthday 150th years!!Thank you for all the great services!
ahmad kamal ahmad kamal wrote on April 30, 2015
happy birthday ITU, I hope you will always success in the field that you involved.
Cuauhtémoc NÁPOLES VALDEZ Cuauhtémoc NÁPOLES VALDEZ wrote on April 27, 2015
I can't imagine the world without telecommunications. Thank you ITU for all these 150 years of technological advances, always in benefice of humankind. Regards from México, of an observer of the PPT10 meeting in Guadalajara city.
Engineer.Sherif Adly Hassan Engineer.Sherif Adly Hassan wrote on April 26, 2015
Happy 150 years ITU 🙂
Andrew Benson Greene Andrew Benson Greene wrote on April 26, 2015
A very happy birthday as you celebrate a century and half. 150 years has gone by and we celebrate your birthday and tremendous achievements in bringing light into darkness through enlightening humanity via a transformation in the telecom world. Without any doubt, the opportunity you will continue to bring in your longevity, will shape the lives of generations in the future.
Wissam Hasan Wissam Hasan wrote on April 24, 2015
Congratulations ... and success to success .. I had the honor to be involved in many of the seminars and workshops over the past five years ... hoping to communicate with you always...
Richard Goetze Richard Goetze wrote on April 22, 2015
Congratulations! Since 1865, you have helped the connected the world, wired, wireless and who knows what in the future. Thank you for your efforts promoting cooperation and innovation in telecommunications.
Francis José SINGBO Francis José SINGBO wrote on April 22, 2015
Bonjour Je suis heureux à plus d'un titre de signer pour la première fois. D'abord en tant que Natif du 17 mai et en tant que Directeur des Affaires Postales au Ministère de la Communication et des TIC au Bénin (Afrique de l'Ouest). L'utilité réciproque des secteurs des télécommunications et postal n'est pas à démontrer. La Poste est aujourd'hui un utilisateur privilégié et sûr des TIC en général. Par exemple, la règlementation pour une meilleure efficacité et fiabilité du transfert d'argent par mobile money ou du commerce électronique en général, dans les pays en voie de développement comme le nôtre, constituent des pistes et des modèle de partenariat gagnant-gagnant qu'il urge de creuser pour le bien être de nos populations dans une économie mondiale de plus en plus numérique. Longue vie à l'UIT! Vive les actions de synergie Secteur postal-Secteur des Télécommunications! Vive l'UIT ---------------- Francis José SINGBO Directeur des Affaires Postales Ministère de la Communication et des TIC. BENIN. Tél. 00 229 97 90 35 41 Email:
aniza binti ayit aniza binti ayit wrote on April 22, 2015
It must be a great date of anniversary celebration of ITU..Congratulations of the great achievements through all the yeas,and hopefully many to come..Lets make telecommunication network growing and sustain as people can live,work and play with it..
Rashid Alahmedi Rashid Alahmedi wrote on April 21, 2015
Wishing the ITU and it's leadership and members happy 150 Anniversary. The telecommunication in need for the power of this forum now more than anytime before. Let the innovation shape the future of the industry let's innovate together.
Mkpe Abang Mkpe Abang wrote on April 15, 2015
Today, more than ever before, the world has been reduced to just a click or a call away, thanks to the power of communication. Peoples have been empowered; nations have been liberated from poverty; diseases have been eliminated within unimaginable shorter times that would have been the case - a case in point is the Ebola in Africa. All these, and innumerable other benefits the world has gained, thanks to the tireless work of the ITU and its futuristic leaders. As the ITU celebrates 150 years of leading the world to new possibilities, I wish all the good people that work in the ITU strength, guidance and insights. Mkpe Abang; Editor-in-Chief, IT & Telecom Digest, Lagos, Nigeria (
les 150 ans que l'UIT s'apprete à feter cette année, temoine encore de l'engagement que cette institution des nations unies apporte dans le bien être des populations en matière des TIC, et surtout toutes les facilités que les TIC nous permet d'obtenir dans la vis de tout les jours encore une fois, bonne anniversaire
unier Manuel Rojas Cabrera, Head of Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba unier Manuel Rojas Cabrera, Head of Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Cuba wrote on April 14, 2015
Congratulations to this great organization, one of the first system of the United Nations. Cuba appreciates your support for ICT development in the country and in general to the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. They may always count on our collaboration.
Drew, ITU, Geneva - Switzerland Drew, ITU, Geneva - Switzerland wrote on April 14, 2015
By the far the best UN system organization I have ever worked for over the past 15 years... Thanks for providing the environment and platform for me to serve the organization as a loyal staff member.... Happy 150th Birthday ITU, and I'm looking forward to seeing you prosper as an Organization for another 150 years, and so on....
Devon Raymond Devon Raymond wrote on April 12, 2015
Happy Anniversary ITU I.T.U
Ahmed Eisa .... GDCO Sudan Ahmed Eisa .... GDCO Sudan wrote on April 10, 2015
I have a chance to work with ITU in many conferences, exhibitions and workshops including WSIS (2009 - 2014), world telecom, ITU Arabic Regional Office and iwrite4wsis initiative. I discover that ITU is working very hard to connect people, they are working on WSIS action lines, MDGs and SDGs to facilitate the live of our community and the ways they are living specially marginalized, underserved and disadvantage communities.
Le Thi Hong HANH Le Thi Hong HANH wrote on April 10, 2015
Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the meaningful gift of “you” to the world. Thank you for your presence in our lives. Wish you more and more success on the occasion of your 150th birthday (Le Thi Hong HANH - Official of The Authority of Radio Frequency Management - ARFM, Vietnam)
NAPO Gbati NAPO Gbati wrote on April 9, 2015
L'UIT est engagée à interconnecter tous les peuples. L'UIT est et sera la meilleure organisation, qui inspire autrui à rêver, à apprendre davantage, à agir et à progresser.
Baktygul Burbayeva from Kazakhstan Baktygul Burbayeva from Kazakhstan wrote on April 8, 2015
Happy Anniversary ITU! On behalf of the Foundation for the Support and Development of Kazakhstan's media wish you successes and new achievements for the benefit of progressive humanity!
Kris Kris wrote on April 4, 2015
Happy Anniversary ITU. Wishing you continued success now and forever. 🙂
Koffi Simon Koffi Simon wrote on March 30, 2015
Je m' appelle Koffi Simon , de l'Autorité de Regulation des Telecommunications/TICde Côte d'IvoireJe voudrais souhaiter un Bon anniversair à l'UIT.