Workshop on Transnational Histories of Telecommunications


Date : 17-19 December 2015

Country: Switzerland (Confederation of)

Organization : ITU


The goal of the proposed workshop is to explore and discuss recent developments related to the field of transnational history of telecommunications, with specific focus on the role of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Consequently, this workshop is at the intersection of three main topics of research: the history of telecommunications, transnational studies in communication and the history of the ITU as the most relevant international organization for telecommunication history.

This workshop has three main objectives: the first is to compare different approaches, methodologies and research avenues employed in telecommunications history scholarship; the second is to discuss the role of the ITU as a subject of research and as a place to conduct research; finally, the last goal involves creating a platform of scholars for the development of further collaborations and scientific publications.


USI-Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (

Swiss National Science Foundation, Berne, Switzerland (

OFCOM, Berne, Switzerland (

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